cAN yOu hEaR mE?
Claim your seat at the executive table by upleveling the conversation
You’re recognized as a top-notch leader of your department. You’re the go-to person for your function. You receive glowing performance reviews and feedback. Yet you can’t seem to break into the management ranks. Maybe you’re speaking the wrong language.
In this session you’ll learn the most basic yet most under-developed and under-leveraged skill in our professional arsenal: communications.
Great communicators speak the language of business. They adapt their message to their audience. And they claim their rightful seat at the executive table.
If you’re ready to turbocharge your marketing and transform your team into an efficient, effective and accountable center of excellence, call me. I look forward to helping you tackle the challenge!
- Individual and group collaborations
- Half- and full-day workshops
- Employee training programs
- Lunch-and-learn sessions
- Customized speaking engagements
As an added incentive, special book discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, universities, and others.
Learn to speak the language of business.
Call, email or connect with Engelina on social media today.
Most leaders can solve their own problems. But sometimes, an extra push is needed to coax reluctant team members, or to kickstart a change initiative. Bringing in an unbiased, experienced, outside perspective oftentimes can make all the difference. Don't waste another good crisis by being unprepared. Call, email, or connect with me on social media today.
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As a thank you, you’ll receive a complementary download of my exclusive guide: Nine Power Moves to Increase Your Marketing Agility Right Now.
Combine equal parts insight and agility. Shake well. Serve with a splash!